Tarver's ABC Curriculum Guide (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

Organizational Chart-Assignment

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Tarver's ABC Curriculum Guide (Curriculum Mapping, 2016) por Mind Map: Tarver's ABC Curriculum Guide            (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

1. Phase 1-Data Collecting

1.1. Who: All Teachers K-5th Grade

1.1.1. Due: January 3, 2021 What: Each teacher will complete a calendar based map to include all skills, processes, and assessments taught/ given in math during the first semester.

1.2. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

2. Phase 2-Read Through #1

2.1. Who: All Teachers K-5th Grade

2.1.1. When: January 10, 2021 Time: 3:00-3:30 What: Each teacher will read through the previous grade-level's map for any new materials, skills, gaps, etc. For instance, 4th grade will read 3rd grade's map. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

3. Phase 4-Large Group Review

3.1. Who: All Teachers K-5th

3.1.1. When: January 10, 2021 Time: 3:30-4:00 What: This large group will discuss any patterns found in Phase 3. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

4. Phase 7-Review Cycle

4.1. Who: Taylor, Coleman, Holbrooke, Anthony, and Johnson

4.1.1. When: Ongoing-Monthly Meeting for any updates What: This phase is ongoing and active. The working document will be updated constantly as new mandates are initiated. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

5. Phase 5-Revisions

5.1. Who: Woods, Bennett, Martin, and Jackson

5.1.1. When: January 10, 2021 Time: 4:00-4:30 What: Determine points that can be revised immediately. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

6. Phase 3-Mixed Group Review

6.1. Who: Mixed-Group Review-Penn, Owens, Minns, Carmichael,

6.1.1. When: January 10, 2021 Time: 3:30-4:00 What: This group will look for gaps, repetitions, and red flags in the maps. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)

7. Phase 6-Long Term Research

7.1. Who: Lucy, Mills, Sturdivant, and Shanks

7.1.1. When: January 17, 2021 Time: 3:30 What: Determine points that will need long term research and development. (Curriculum Mapping, 2016)