EPOS platform

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
EPOS platform por Mind Map: EPOS platform

1. Shared Group Page

1.1. About

1.1.1. group members, pages etc.

1.2. Members

1.2.1. list of members

1.3. Forums

1.4. Pages

1.4.1. create, copy, view pages

1.5. Collections

1.5.1. Overview of pages

1.6. Dossier

1.6.1. shared uploaded documents

1.7. d

2. Biography

2.1. students use this to record their learning history. they can show teachers & students when asked to discuss parts?? ?maybe

3. Pages

3.1. teachers can use collective pages to publish assignments & resources for each lesson

3.2. students can create pages (posters) as assignments

3.3. if students create assignments they can do it individually or as mini groups

3.4. teachers

4. Groups

4.1. teachers will post descriptions of their lessons; students cleck, then go to 'shared group page' to become members

4.2. if you create pages with green menu bar, they are yours; if you go into groups and create pages, etc. they will be shared & modifiable by everybody in the group.

5. Profile

6. Dashboard

6.1. link to pages

6.2. Inbox

6.3. topics being followed

6.4. list of groups

6.5. list of online users

6.6. link to groups

7. Find groups

8. Self-evaluation

8.1. post self-assessment checklists (can do lists) for students to do before your lesson. You can create your own descriptors (can do) lists or use standard descriptors from the EPOS database.

9. Learning Objectives

10. Dossier

10.1. Your personal file storage space

11. Journals