W.K. - 8 yr. old boy

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W.K. - 8 yr. old boy por Mind Map: W.K. - 8 yr. old boy

1. Assessment

1.1. Case History

1.1.1. Family History

1.1.2. Genetic screening

1.1.3. WHO-ICF

1.2. Speech Assessment

1.2.1. Speech Sample

1.2.2. Hearing Screening

1.2.3. Single-word assessment

1.2.4. Perceptual assessment

1.2.5. Instrumental

1.3. Language Assessment

1.3.1. Language sample

1.4. Oral Mech Exam

2. Intervention

2.1. Behavioral approach

2.2. Biofeedback

2.3. CPAP

2.4. Surgical intervention

2.5. Prosthetics

3. Case History

3.1. Body Functions & Structures

3.1.1. Repaired bilateral cleft lip & palate

3.1.2. Hx of otitis media

3.1.3. PE tubes placed during palate repair

3.1.4. Lip repaired prior to adoption in China

3.1.5. Palate repaired in US

3.1.6. Mild/low conductive hearing loss in right ear

3.1.7. Early mixed dentition stage

3.1.8. Anterior cross-bite

3.2. Activities & Participation

3.2.1. Enjoys playing soccer & piano

3.2.2. Mom wants to begin Mandarin lessons

3.3. Environmental Factors

3.3.1. 3 older siblings

3.3.2. Mom eager to see improvement

3.3.3. Dad travels extensively

3.3.4. Began EI post palate repair

3.3.5. Receives school services

3.3.6. Annual team visits

3.4. Personal Factors

3.4.1. Adopted from China

3.4.2. Lived in orphanage

3.4.3. Very sociable

3.5. Early Intervention

3.5.1. Speech Characteristics Limited speech intelligibility d/t hyper nasality, nasal emission, inconsistent glottal stops for /k/ & lateralizing /s/ & /z/

3.5.2. Language Characteristics Mild delay in receptive/expressive language

4. Feeding

4.1. Impaired dentition

4.2. Possible Class III malocclusion

4.3. Anterior crossbite