Writing in the English

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Writing in the English por Mind Map: Writing in the English

1. Integration of the four language skills: speaking, reading, listening andwriting

2. In the teaching of English in Medical Sciences,communicative competence comprises different levels of appropriation that are related to the academic year being studied: elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and post-intermediate level,

2.1. At the elementary and pre-intermediate levels you must select which errors to correct and what to ignore. Spelling should be a low priority

2.2. At the intermediate and post-intermediate levels, the type of error can be explained to the students, the parts of the sentence where the error is made, the punctuation marks, the spelling and the use of the appropriate word can be pointed out, with comments clear, organized and with the necessary information

3. Written expression is as important as oral expression

4. Writing is one of the four fundamental language skills in learning a foreign language

4.1. The technique called free writing guides to write down their ideas and thoughts without worrying too much about grammar, spelling, and other aspects of the language.

4.2. The main characteristic of free writing is that few or no errors are corrected by the teacher, which allows the student not to feel pressured when writing freely

4.3. Writing as a process is a more formal activity that consists of a series of steps that are usually followed to write and is characterized by planning or pre-writing, writing a first draft, reviewing, writing a second draft and the correction of errors and so on until the final product is achieved, which can be shared publicly

5. Writing errors are one of the most frequent causes that affect written communication in the English language, since writing well is a complex, difficult and time-consuming process.

6. Formal writing

6.1. Begins with the draft. Once the draft is complete, students can make written comments, discuss them face-to-face with the teacher, or share them with a partner, all with the intention of receiving constructive feedback

6.2. The first thing is to elaborate concise ideas together with the content and the form, the correction must be secondary.