16 year old female w/ midline abdominal pain

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16 year old female w/ midline abdominal pain por Mind Map: 16 year old female w/ midline abdominal pain

1. Psychosocial integrity priorities

1.1. Patient care involvement

1.1.1. Boosts autonomy

1.2. Mother & father at bedside

1.2.1. Reduce depression and anxiety

2. Management of care priorities

2.1. Assess

2.1.1. Urinary retention

2.2. Give medications

2.2.1. Promote bowel movement and manage pain

2.3. Monitor vital signs

2.3.1. Routine

3. Safety and infection control priorities

3.1. Hand hygeine

3.1.1. Reduce risk of hospital acquired disease

3.2. Assess IV

3.2.1. Prevent infection

4. Health promotion & maintainence priorities

4.1. Abdominal pain intervention

4.1.1. Maintain pain outside of hospital

4.2. Parent and patient education

4.2.1. Child safety and parent's peace of mind

5. Physiological adaptation

5.1. Genitourinary

5.1.1. Bladder scans Q6h >350mL in bladder = urinary retention

5.1.2. Urinalysis Occult blood in urine

5.2. Gastrointestinal

5.2.1. Bowel sounds Activity level High Low

5.2.2. Palpate Tenderness Rigidity

5.3. Neuro-musculoskeletal pain

5.3.1. Pain scale assessment Give PRN medications to control pain

6. Basic care & comfort

6.1. Mom at bedside

6.1.1. Anxiety relief

6.2. Fluid of choice at bedside

6.2.1. Gives patient power

6.3. Blankets

6.3.1. Keeps patient warm and comfortable

7. Reduction of risk potential

7.1. Proper medication schedule

7.2. Control neuro-musculoskeletal pain & promote bowel movements and urination

7.3. Bladder scans Q6h

8. Pharm & parenteral therapies

8.1. Senokot

8.1.1. Stool softener for constipation

8.2. Prilosec

8.2.1. Protect stomach lining

8.3. Glycolax

8.3.1. Promote bowel movement

8.4. Neurontin

8.4.1. Musculoskeletal pain

8.5. Periactin

8.5.1. Prevent bladder spasms