That's G Commercial

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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That's G Commercial por Mind Map: That's G Commercial

1. My Geistesblitzes

1.1. Check out

2. Ideas for my novel ...

3. Groups

3.1. Girls Softball

3.1.1. Morgan Nicholson & Laci Cockrill

3.2. Tennis

3.2.1. Tyler Jackson & Julien Heir

3.2.2. Coty Hendrix & Chris Cross

3.3. Basketball

3.3.1. Derek Robinson & Chavez Harris

3.4. Football

3.4.1. Austin Chlapecka & Will Honey

3.4.2. Marcus Simpson & Gaylon Brown

3.4.3. Koren Pruitt & Gaylon Brown

3.4.4. Derrick Watkins & Lewis Childress

3.5. Baseball

3.5.1. Justin Chlapecka & Jarrod Eddington

4. Get started!

4.1. Use toolbar to add ideas

4.2. Key shortcuts

4.2.1. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

4.2.2. ENTER to add siblings

4.2.3. DEL to delete

4.2.4. All key shortcuts

4.3. Drag & Drop and double-click canvas

4.4. Find out more? Try