7 Modelling business processes

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7 Modelling business processes por Mind Map: 7 Modelling business processes

1. Organizational context

1.1. Functional view

1.2. Harmon

1.2.1. Organizational model Harmon

2. Six Sigma DMAIC

2.1. Define the problem

2.2. Measure the data

2.3. Analyze the problem

2.4. Improve the process (by removing root cause)

2.5. Control


4. Process measurement

4.1. Internal measures

4.2. External measures

4.3. Process and task measures

4.3.1. Performance issues

5. Improving business processes

5.1. Business rules

5.1.1. Constraints

5.1.2. Operational guidances

5.2. Simplify the process

5.3. Extend the processing

5.4. Remove bottlenecks

5.5. Change the sequence of tasks

5.6. Redefine process boundary

5.7. Automate the processing

5.8. Redesign the process

5.8.1. Create 'to be' business model

6. Analyzing the "as is" process

6.1. Identify problems

6.2. Analyzing the hand-offs

6.3. Analyzing the processing

7. Business process models

7.1. UML activity diagram

7.2. Business events

7.2.1. External

7.2.2. Internal

7.2.3. Time-based

7.3. BCS has swimlane for "Timeline"

7.4. Hierarchy of process models

7.5. Beginning and ending the process

8. Value propositions

8.1. Elements of a value proposition

9. Organization view of business processes

9.1. Process map

9.2. Porter's value chain