Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) por Mind Map: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

1. Developmental Assessment

1.1. Psychoeducational Profile-Revised :An inventory of behaviors and skills designed to identify uneven learning patterns

1.2. Developmental Play Assessment Instrument: A tool used to assess the play development of children with disabilities relative to their play

1.3. Brigance Inventory of Early Development : A tool to determine instructional strategies, how to plan for instructional outcomes and assess and track those outcomes. Some areas it assess are: general knowledge and comprehension, speech and language, preacademics, self-help, and psychomotor skills.

2. Adaptive Assessment

2.1. Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales: An interview conducted with those supporting a child with ASD and measures some of the following: communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills, and maladaptive behaviors

3. Resources:

4. Diagnostic Assessment

4.1. Autism Diagnostic Interview:done in the home in an inteview style to meet the child and determine parents priorities

4.2. Prelinguistic Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule : a tool for the parents to observe specific aspects of the child's behaviour

4.3. Childhood Autism Rating Scale : A behaviour rating scale with 15 specific areas that compare a child with autism against one without

4.4. Autism Behavior Checklist : Another tool to observe the behaviour of a child suspected of having autism, not necessarily as accurate as the Childhoodo Austim Rating Scale (CARS)

4.5. Real Life Rating Scale: used to assess the effects of treatment on 47 behaviors in the motor, social, affective, language, and sensory domains among autistic persons.

4.6. Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning: Used to start planning for children with ASD; examines skills in sensory, relating, body concept, language, social self-help.Each of these areas are also examined along with interaction skills, communication, learning rate and educational level.

5. Other Assessment Areas

5.1. Communcation Assessment

5.2. Infant/Toddler Assessment

5.3. Standardized Test of Intelligence

5.4. Tests of NonVernal Intelligence

5.5. Academic Screening

5.6. Behaviour Assessment

5.7. Family Assessment

5.8. Medical Examination