psychological disorders

tema: psychological disorders

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psychological disorders por Mind Map: psychological disorders

1. 4 mood disorders

1.1. Extremely stressful or traumatic events, such as combat, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks, place the people who experience them at an increased risk for developing psychological disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).​

1.1.1. mayor depressive disorder It is more common​ among women than​ among men, affecting ​ approximately 20% of ​ women and 13% of men​ at some point in their life.​ seasonal post- partum persistence symptoms Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day (feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or appearing tearful to others)​ loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities. ​ Feeling overwhelmingly sad most of each day. ​ No interest or enjoyment in activities that previously were gratifying, such as hobbies, sports, sex, social events, time spent with family, and so on.​

1.1.2. bipolar disorder The person often experiences mood states that vacillate between depression and mania.​ According to the DSM-5, a manic episode is characterised as a “wonderful length of abnormally and consistently elevated, expansive, or irritable temper and abnormally and consistently increased interest or strength lasting as a minimum one week,” that lasts maximum of the time every day.​

2. 3 Trauma-and-Stressor-Related Disorders​

2.1. ptsd

2.1.1. Extremely stressful or traumatic events, such as combat, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks, place the people who experience them at an increased risk for developing psychological disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).​

3. 2 obsessive composite disorders

3.1. OCD

3.1.1. Involve intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and repetitive behaviors.​ We all have unsightly mind and repetitive behaviors from time to time, however, obsessive-compulsive and associated issues increase the undesirable mind and repetitive behaviors to a standing so excessive that those cognitions and sports disrupt every day life.​ The disorder is five times more frequent in the first-degree relatives of people with OCD than in people without the disorder.​ People with this sickness revel in thoughts and urges which might be intrusive and unwanted (obsessions) and/or the want to interact in repetitive behaviors or intellectual acts (compulsions).​

3.2. body diysmorphic disorder

3.2.1. The individual is preoccupied with a perceived flaw of their bodily look this is either nonexistent or slightly important to other people.​

3.2.2. The man or woman engages in repetitive and ritualistic behavioral and intellectual acts, which include constantly searching withinside the mirror, seeking to disguise the offending frame part, comparisons with others, and, in a few intense cases, beauty surgery.​

3.3. hoarding disorder

3.3.1. People with hoarding disorder can't get rid of private possessions, irrespective of how worthless or vain those possessions are.​

4. 1 anxiety disorders

4.1. phobias

4.1.1. Intense, unreasonable and persistent fear caused by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation. examples arachnophobia social phobia claustrophobia

4.2. social anxiety disorder

4.2.1. is characterised via way of means of severe and continual worry or tension and avoidance of social conditions wherein the character ought to doubtlessly be evaluated negatively via way of means of others

4.3. panic disorder

4.3.1. symptoms sweating trembling your heart starts pounding you have trouble breathing feeling dizzy and nauseous

4.4. generalized anxiety disorder

4.4.1. continuous state of excessive, uncontrollable, and pointless worry and apprehension. ​

4.4.2. People with this often worry about routine, everyday things, even though their concerns are unjustified.​

5. 8 children´s mental disorder

5.1. a) anxiety

5.2. b) depression

5.3. c). oppositional defiant disorder (odd) ..

5.3.1. Is a behavioral disorder characterized by an ongoing pattern of defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior beginning in childhood or adolescence. It is part of a group of disruptive behavior. Disorders that also include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder. Of these three, ODD is seen as the most gentle.

5.4. d) conduct disorder (cd)..

5.4.1. Symptoms of conduct disorder vary counting on the age of the kid and whether or not the disorder is mild, moderate, or severe. In general, symptoms of conduct disorder constitute four general categories: behavior: These are behaviors that threaten or cause physical hurt and will embrace fighting, bullying, being cruel to others or animals, victimisation weapons, and forcing another into sexual activity. Destructive behavior: This involves intentional destruction of property cherish combustion (deliberate fire-setting) and mischief-making (harming another persons property). Deceitful behavior: This may include perennial lying, shoplifting, or breaking into homes or cars so as to steal. Violation of rules: This involves going against accepted rules of society or partaking in behavior that's not applicable for the persons age. These behaviors may include running away, skipping school, taking part in pranks, or being sexually active at a really young age.

5.4.2. is a serious behavioral and emotional disorder that can occur in children and teens.

5.4.3. A infant with this sickness may also show a sample of disruptive and violent conduct and feature issues following rules. It isn't always unusual for youngsters and teenagers to have conduct-associated troubles at a while in the course of their development. However, the conduct is taken into consideration to be a behavior ailment while it's far long-lasting and while it violates the rights of others, is going towards usual norms of conduct and disrupts the childs or familys ordinary life.

5.5. e) attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) ..

5.5.1. Children with ADHD may also have problems paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may also act without considering what the end result will be), or be overly active. A child with ADHD might: daydream a lot forget or lose things a lot squirm or fidget talk too much make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks have a hard time resisting temptation have trouble taking turns have difficulty getting along with others

5.5.2. There are three different types of ADHD, depending on which types of symptoms are strongest in the individual: Predominantly Inattentive Presentation: It is difficult for the individual to prepare or end a task, to listen to details, or to follow directions or conversations. The person is well distracted or forgets details of daily routines. Predominantly hyperactive impulsive presentation: Younger children can run, jump or climb all the time. The individual feels restless and has impulsivity problems. Someone who is impulsive can often interrupt others, take things from people, or speak at inappropriate times. Make the person wait for their turn or listen to the instructions. An impulsive person can have more accidents and injuries than others. Combined Presentation: Symptoms of the above two types are equally present in the person.

5.6. f) Tourette syndrome..

5.6.1. Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. They are the primary symptoms of a group of childhood-onset neurological conditions known collectively as Tic Disorders and individually as Tourette Syndrome (TS), Persistent (Chronic) Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder, and Provisional Tic Disorder. Tourette Syndrome (TS), also known as Tourette’s Disorder: Motor tics are movements. Simple motor tics include but are not limited to: eye blinking, facial grimacing, jaw movements, head bobbing/jerking, shoulder shrugging, neck stretching, and arm jerking. Complex motor tics involve multiple muscle groups or combinations of movements and tend to be slower and more purposeful in appearance,(e.g., hopping, twirling, jumping). Vocal (phonic) tics produce a sound. Simple vocal tics include but are not limited to sniffing, throat clearing, grunting, hooting, and shouting. Complex vocal tics are words or phrases that may or may not be recognizable but that consistently occur out of context. In 10-15% of cases, the words may be inappropriate (i.e., swear words, ethnic slurs, or other socially unacceptable words or phrases). This type of vocal tic, called coprolalia, is often portrayed or mocked in the media as a common symptom of TS.

5.7. g) obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)

5.8. h) post Trauma (ptsd)

6. 7 personality disorders

6.1. People with character disorders showcase a character fashion that differs markedly from the expectancies in their culture, is pervasive and inflexible, starts in youth or early adulthood, and reasons misery or impairment.​

6.1.1. cluster A Disorders include paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder. People with these disorders display a personality style that is odd or eccentric.​

6.1.2. cluster B Disorders include antisocial personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. People with these disorders usually are impulsive, overly dramatic, highly emotional, and erratic.​

6.1.3. cluster C Disorders include avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. People with these disorders often appear to be nervous and fearful.​

7. 6 dissociative disorders

7.1. Characterized by an individual becoming split off, or dissociated, from her core sense of self.​

7.1.1. Memory and identity become disturbed.​ These disturbances have a psychological rather than physical cause.​ dissociative amnesia depersonalization derealization dissociative identity disorder

8. 5 psychotic disorders

8.1. schizophrenia

8.1.1. is considerate a psychotic disorder - the person’s thoughts, perceptions, and behaviors are impaired to the factor where he/she isn't always capable of characteristic typically in life. symptoms Hallucination: Delusions: Disorganized thinking: Disorganized or abnormal motor behavior: Negative symptoms: causes Both genetic vulnerability and environmental stress are necessary for schizophrenia to develop.​ Obstetric complications. (That affect brain development)​ Another variable that is linked to schizophrenia is marijuana use. Longitudinal studies have suggested that marijuana use is, in fact, a risk factor for schizophrenia. People that had used marijuana at least once in life were 2 times more likely to develop schizophrenia. People that had used it more than 50 times were 6 times more likely to develop schizophrenia.​