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The Alchemist por Mind Map: The Alchemist

1. Country of first appearance: Brazil

1.1. Year of first appearance: 1988

2. The theme of the book: The story revolves around the journey of an Andalusian shepherd named Santiago. Believing that a repetitive dream he had was called a prophecy, Santiago talks to a fortune teller about the meaning of this dream. The woman prophesies that he will find a treasure near the pyramids in Egypt, and thus begins the adventure.

3. The main characters: Santiago, the Riddle, Gypsy, Fatima

3.1. The message of the book: learn to respect and follow the signs

4. The message of the book: learn to respect and follow the signs

5. Author: Paulo Coelho

6. Original title: The Alchemist

7. Language of publication: Portuguese