
Simple 10 Steps to Nurture Self-Love

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Self-Love por Mind Map: Self-Love

1. Steps

1.1. Eating Habits

1.2. Sleeping Habit

1.3. Daily Workout

1.4. Meditation

1.5. Act of Gratitude

1.6. Act of Altruism

1.7. Forgiveness

1.8. Express Feeling

1.9. Pursue Passion

1.10. Reading

2. Benefits

2.1. Less Stress

2.2. Improved Confidence

2.3. Motivated

2.4. Agile to Adapt

2.5. High Self Esteem

2.6. Better Human

2.7. High Productivity

3. Needs

3.1. Highly Competitive Era

3.2. Fast Pace life

3.3. Materialistic Approach

3.4. High Expectation

3.5. Long Working Hour