Personal learning environment

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Personal learning environment por Mind Map: Personal learning environment

1. Math

1.1. Wolfram|Alpha

1.2. OnlineMSchool


1.4. Контрольная Работа РУ

2. Online sources of information

2.1. Google Scholar

2.2. YouTube

3. Communication with teachers and students

3.1. GMail

3.2. Telegram

3.3. Viber

3.4. Google Meet

3.5. Zoom

4. Working together

4.1. Google Drive

5. Interesting and useful resources

5.1. FreeMind (systematization and generalization)

5.2. PowerPointBase (presentation templates)

5.3. MagicDiagram (chart templates)

5.4. (fonts)

5.5. Canva (online presentations, brochures, collages and more)

6. LMS

6.1. Moodle

6.2. Google Classroom

7. Frequently used software / online analogs

7.1. Office programs

7.1.1. Microsoft Word / Google Docs

7.1.2. Microsoft Excel / Google Tables

7.1.3. Microsoft Power Point / Google Slides

7.2. Programming environments

7.2.1. Code: : Blocks

7.2.2. IntelliJ IDEA

7.2.3. Notepad ++

7.3. Computer graphics

7.3.1. Adobe Photoshop

7.3.2. Adobe Illustrator

7.3.3. Incskape

8. English

8.1. Dictionaries and translation services

8.1.1. WooordHunt

8.1.2. MacmillanDictionary

8.1.3. GoogleTranslate (online and add)

8.2. Theory and practice

8.2.1. GrammarWay

8.2.2. NativeEnglish