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My Work Tools por Mind Map: My Work Tools

1. Security

1.1. Lastpass

2. Communication

2.1. Gmail (my main interface)

2.2. Hotmail (backs up Gmail)

2.3. Work Outlook

2.4. Phonedeck

3. Time and Tasks

3.1. Google Calendar

3.2. Remember the Milk

4. Research

4.1. Mendeley

4.2. MaxQDA

4.3. Google Scholar

5. Writing

5.1. TeXStudio

5.2. Microsoft Word

5.3. Google Docs

6. Photos

6.1. Picasa

6.1.1. PicasaWeb

7. Sports

7.1. Runkeeper

8. File Syncing

8.1. Dropbox

8.2. Google Drive

8.3. Box

8.4. Sugarsync

8.5. CloudHQ

9. Notes

9.1. Evernote

9.2. PlainText

9.3. SourceKit

9.4. Read it Later

10. Diagrams

10.1. MindMeister

10.2. LucidChart

11. Backup

11.1. CrashPlan

12. Android phone