I don't dream of labor vid

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I don't dream of labor vid por Mind Map: I don't dream of labor vid

1. Intro

1.1. There's a trend going around with really...privileged people saying they "don't dream of labor" and go into eloquent diatribes about how capitalism toxic.

1.1.1. Thumbnails of youtubers with this topic

1.2. I figured I'd weigh in a little bit since I don't see a single Hispanic voice talking about it.

1.3. Maybe because we're all too busy actually working

1.4. So let's dive into my thoughts on the matter.

2. Conclusion

2.1. So what's the point of this video. Well I think we just need to take these perspectives with a grain of salt.

2.2. If you have access to the internet and are able to create well-produced youtube videos you are among the most privileged humans on this planet and in history.

2.3. There is no real escape valve from our current system. Unless you opt-out off the grid and build your own self-sufficient system. This is not something that is easily done.

2.4. If you want to continue to operate within our system you can either transfer the burden to others via passive income or...hear me out....reduce your consumption. Don't let these YouTubers convince you that they are doing anything different than the capitalists they advocate against.

2.5. We are in an imperfect world and we have to come up with imperfect solutions for our own individual struggles.

3. Tone Deaf

3.1. My kneejerk reaction was how laughably tone deaf all of these videos are.

3.2. These people are literally building online businesses on a platform operated by one of the most powerful Corporations in history.

3.3. These Youtubers also ignore the fact that most people will never have that option to even contemplate "not dreaming of labor" due to life circumstances or being born in a non 1st world country.

3.4. The people making these videos work in Air Conditioned Offices Jobs, or Online Marketing, Programming etc.

4. About Dream Jobs

4.1. Dream Jobs. My parents never really groomed me to believe in "Dream Jobs". I don't even recall this occurring in school either. I do wonder if my experience is different than the norm, but my belief was that I had to "Earn" my way through life and that no one was going to give it to me. Politicians will try to gaslight me and say I will fail without their help, but ultimately the consequences of my ability to flourish falls on me and my local support systems.

4.2. If you remove Humans from civilization and place them into nature, you will literally die if you do not execute some labor to build/maintain a shelter, scavange/hunt/grow your own food.

4.3. Capitalism has removed us so far from the backbreaking work it takes to maintain a civilization, we've grown fat and entitled expecting this all this to magically work. The work still exists. It's just done by robots and blue-collar workers. Perhaps in the future robots can do all of this back-breaking work, but until then YOU are not entitled to the output of this effort. You need to contribute to the machine too.

4.4. If you even have the opportunity to seek out a job you might "like" you have already won a type of lottery.

5. The "Solution"

5.1. These Youtubers will pretend that they are part of the working class, but in reality, they are part of an emerging Bouigiseoise themselves.

5.2. They specialize in building passive income streams which are in a sense rent-seeking mechanisms to support their consumption of capitalism's outputs. This is the same thing Shareholders/Investors hope to achieve with their stock purchases, real estate rent, and speculative acquisitions

5.3. I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with this, but I think it is a tall claim to assert that the average person can reproduce their outcomes.

5.4. These Youtubers' approach are certainly more efficient than raw labor in our current system, but it has an inherent survivorship bias. Most people are not able to backstop the risk and slow start-up these economic activities require. So they have no choice but to participate in labor to feed their families.