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Malaria por Mind Map: Malaria

1. Infectious Agent

1.1. Protozoa

1.1.1. Plasmodium(Genus)

2. Stop It!

2.1. Improve Housing

2.2. Increase Medical Care

2.3. Educate the Public

3. Susceptible Host

3.1. Temperate Cities

3.2. Lack of Health Care

3.3. Exposure to Modquitos

3.4. Children

3.5. Pregnant Women

4. Stop It!

4.1. Mosquito Control

4.1.1. Mosquito Repellant

4.1.2. Mosquito Nets

4.2. Careful Traveling

4.3. Reduce exposure

5. Portal of Entry

5.1. Mosquito Bites

5.2. Needles

5.3. Transfusion

6. Stop It!

6.1. Pre-natal Medication

6.2. Mosquito Control

6.2.1. Mosquito Repellant

6.2.2. Mosquito Nets

7. Reservoir

7.1. Female Anopheles Mosquitos

7.2. Infected People

8. Stop It!

8.1. Eradicate Plasmodium

8.2. Mitigating medication

9. Stop It!

9.1. Mosquito Control

10. Portal of Exit

10.1. Bite from mosquito

10.2. Needles

11. Stop It!

11.1. Mosquito Control

11.1.1. Mosquito Repellant

11.1.2. Mosquito Nets

11.2. Malaria Screening

12. Mode of Transmission

12.1. Mosquitos

12.2. Blood

12.3. Mother-Child