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asthma patient por Mind Map: asthma patient

1. aspirin induced

1.1. zileuton

1.2. montelukast , zafirlukast

2. excersice

2.1. zileuton

2.2. SABA

2.3. montelukast , zafirlukat

2.3.1. with steroids

3. prophylactic

3.1. salmeterol

3.2. formoterol

3.3. omalizumab

3.3.1. toxicity

3.4. zileuton

3.4.1. hepatotoxic

3.5. cromolyn , nedovromil

4. acute attack

4.1. albuterol

4.2. metoproterol

4.2.1. if the pt is tachycardiac ipratropium tiotropium IV aclidinium

4.3. terbutaline

5. chronic attack

5.1. prednisone IV

5.1.1. IV

5.2. beclomethasone

5.3. budesonade

5.4. dexamethasone