An Overview of Leadership

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An Overview of Leadership por Mind Map: An Overview of Leadership

1. Leadership Dependent on the Situation: Situational Approaches

2. Situational and Contingency Theories

2.1. Fiedler’s contingency model

2.2. Vroom-Yetton decision model

2.3. Path-goal theory of leadership effectiveness

2.4. Blake-Mouton managerial grid model

3. Theory of Functional Leadership Behavior

4. Integrated Psychological Theory

5. Transactional and Transformative Leadership

6. Leadership as an Emotionally Charged Process

7. Neo-Emergent Theory

8. Leadership and Personality: Trait Theories

8.1. Sanskrit literature

8.2. Aristocrats

8.3. Monarchy

8.4. Meritocracy

8.5. Autocratic/Paternal

8.6. Matriarchal

8.7. Confucianism

9. Leadership as a Skill: Attribute and Behavior Theories

9.1. Thomas Carlyle and Francis Galton

9.2. Stogdill & Mann

9.3. Lewin, Lippitt and White

10. Positive Reinforcement: Behavioral Theories - Skinner