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Art Anxiety por Mind Map: Art Anxiety

1. Frustration / Fear of Frustration

1.1. I don’t like what I create

1.1.1. Perfectionism

1.2. I’m not good enough

1.3. I’m not where I ”should” be

1.3.1. Hustle Culture

1.4. I won’t like it so I won’t even try

1.4.1. Avoiding Frustration

1.5. I’m safe if I don’t put myself in a position where I may feel frustrated with myself

1.5.1. Fear of imaginary threat

2. Fear of Rejection

2.1. My work is only as good as the numbers of likes it gets

2.1.1. Social Media Validation

2.2. I don’t like what I draw, so nobody will like it

2.3. Anxiety sharing work

2.4. Avoiding sending portfolios

2.5. I need external validation to value myself

3. Overwhelm

3.1. Excessive stimuli / distractions

3.2. Hard time focusing / prioritizing

3.2.1. Neurodivergent?

3.3. Long to-do lists

3.4. Social Media

3.4.1. Stimuli

3.4.2. Digital Marketing

3.4.3. Algorithms

3.5. Long Projects

3.5.1. Need of instant gratification / reward

3.6. Highly Detailed Pieces

3.6.1. Too many steps

4. Low Self-Esteem

5. Creative Block

6. Hustle Culture

6.1. You think you need to draw 24/7 in order to improve

6.2. You value hard work more than your wellbeing

6.3. You feel pressured to “succeed”

6.4. You feel guilty when not drawing, studying, creating

6.4.1. Guilt

7. Trauma

7.1. At work

7.2. At home

7.3. At school

7.4. Childhood

8. Inner Child