What factors affect heart rate during exercise?

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What factors affect heart rate during exercise? por Mind Map: What factors affect heart rate during exercise?

1. lifestyle choices

1.1. options:

1.1.1. diet

1.1.2. daily exercise

1.1.3. sleep

1.1.4. hobbies

1.1.5. down time

1.2. questions to research:

1.2.1. does sleep affect heart rate?

1.2.2. how can daily exercise impact heart rate when exercising?

1.2.3. how can diet affect heart rate?

1.2.4. does the amount of breaks in exercise affect heart rate?

1.2.5. how does the length of a break affect heart rate when exercising?

1.3. research findings:

1.3.1. sleep means the heart has to work less, while those who are sleep deprived usually have a steady heart rate, which is not healthy.

1.3.2. eating does change blood flow

1.4. possible limitations

1.4.1. to do some of these questions, people who enjoy exercise are needed.

1.4.2. this topic wont be able to explore the intensity of exercise

2. build

2.1. options:

2.1.1. muscle mass

2.1.2. resting heart rate

2.1.3. experience

2.1.4. skill

2.2. questions to research

2.2.1. can muscle mass affect heart rate?

2.2.2. does a lower resting heart rate result in a lower increasing heart rate increases when exercising?

2.2.3. how does experience affect heart rate when exercising?

2.2.4. how does skill affect heart rate when exercising?

2.3. research findings:

2.3.1. increased muscle mas helps weight loss

2.3.2. skill fitness is different to other types of exercise

2.4. possible limitations

2.4.1. no way of telling if skill is the only thing that affects exercise

2.4.2. its harder than it looks to measure muscle mass

3. Type of exercise

3.1. options:

3.1.1. intensity of exercise

3.1.2. amount of exercise

3.1.3. length of breaks

3.1.4. amount of breaks

3.2. questions to research:

3.2.1. how does the intensity of an exercise affect heart rate?

3.2.2. how does the amount of exercise affect heart rate?

3.2.3. does the length of breaks taken affect heart rate when exercising?

3.2.4. does the amount of breaks taken affect heart rate when exercising?

3.3. research findings:

3.3.1. a more intense exercise can affect heart rate

3.3.2. breaks do improve the effectiveness of an excercise

3.4. possible limitations:

3.4.1. finding people willing to do the exercise

3.4.2. different people have different lifestyles

3.4.3. limited to testing the effects of exercise

4. chemicals (caffeine, sugar, etc.)

4.1. options:

4.1.1. different chemicals

4.1.2. chemicals in diet

4.1.3. caffine

4.1.4. helpful chemicals

4.1.5. sugar

4.1.6. alcohol

4.1.7. smoking

4.2. questions to research:

4.2.1. how do different chemicals affect heart rate?

4.2.2. what chemicals in a diet affect heart rate?

4.2.3. how much does caffeine increase heart rate?

4.2.4. how much does sugar increase heart rate?

4.2.5. how does smoking affect heart rate?

4.2.6. does alcohol affect heart rate?

4.3. research findings:

4.3.1. a lot of chemicals like caffeine can affect heart rate

4.3.2. some chemicals don't affect heart rate at all.

4.4. possible limitations:

4.4.1. ethics: some chemicals can potentially be harmful to people

4.4.2. some chemicals are not accessible

4.4.3. long term effects; some chemicals could have long term effects; some people have taken chemicals that will affect the overall results

5. motivation

5.1. options:

5.1.1. family

5.1.2. peers

5.1.3. trainers

5.1.4. self-esteem

5.1.5. pressure

5.1.6. being observed

5.1.7. mindset

5.2. questions to research

5.2.1. how do family and peers affect motivation to exercise?

5.2.2. does self-esteem affect heart rate?

5.2.3. does the pressure to do an exercise increase heart rate?

5.2.4. how can mindset affect exercise?

5.2.5. does being observed while exercising increase heart rate? can stress increase heart rate?

5.3. research findings

5.3.1. pressure can make a person increase intensity of an exercise

5.3.2. motivation can affect exercise

5.4. possible limitations

5.4.1. this has more to do with psychology than biology

5.4.2. it can be hard to measure self esteem