History Of Visual Communications

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History Of Visual Communications por Mind Map: History Of  Visual Communications

1. Created the Printing Press

1.1. Was a hand press, ink was rolled over the raised surface of movable hand-set letters.

1.2. The technology of the printing press came from the screw-type for pressing grapes and olive.

2. Camera Obscura

2.1. Used as a way of to observe light

2.2. with a convex lens inserted on wall, shinging through a hole.

3. The Rosetta Stone has three different language on it. It now reside in the British Museum.

3.1. Jean Francois Champolion was the first one to deciphered the hieroglyphics.

4. Cuneiform

4.1. Created by the Sumerians, was the first written language.

4.2. Cuneiform was created to help keep track of the business transactions.

4.3. Began as a series of pictures.

4.4. Made by making impressions with a wedge shaped stylus form reeds into a clay surface.

5. Hieroglyphics

5.1. Sixth Century BC

5.2. Hieroglyphics

5.2.1. Heiroglyphics came from two words: Hiero means scared and Glyphic means engraving or writing.

5.2.2. Its a formal writing system made by of logographic and alphabetic elements The Book of the Dead A set of scrolls that the pharoah would write to help them in the after life French invades Egypt in 1798

5.2.3. Decorated with pictures and writing to show repect.

6. Johnannes Gutenberg

6.1. He also was credited with the introduction of oil-based ink.

7. History of Photography

7.1. The word photography came from the greek words of light and writing

7.2. Joseph Niepce was the first person to successful take a picture

7.2.1. Daguerre took Joseph Niepce research and made the first practical photographic process The process was created Daguerreotype; the process is a light sensitive metal sheet was exposed,which created a direct positive image. William Fox Talbot took Daguerre and Joseph to created the Calotype The calotype was the subject was exposed onto a light sensitive paper producing a paper negitive

8. Cave Paintings 50,000 years ago

8.1. Lascaux,France

8.1.1. Had to be closed due to carbon dioxide from the tourists.

8.2. Altamira Cave

8.2.1. Discovered this site was Marcelino sanz de Sautuola and his daughter Maria

9. The Linotype Machine

9.1. Clephane looking for easier way to transcribe his notes and legal briefs and to produce multiple copies.

9.1.1. With Sholes idea, he approach Ottmar Mergenthaler to help him.

9.2. Which made Christopher Sholes to come up with the typewriter.

9.3. The Linotype allowed type to be set mechanically rather than by hand.

9.4. First Linotype installed in The New York Tribune, July 1886

10. Phonetic Alphabet

10.1. Scholars believed it to be a direct variation of hieroglpyhics.

10.2. The principle that it was based on was that one sign represents one spoken sound

10.3. First widespread script, allowed it be used in multiple languages. Disintegrated class divisions

10.3.1. Two distinct styles of letting were used: a rigid, formal script was used for important manuscripts and official documents and a quicker informal style was used for letters and routine types of writing,

11. History of Computers

11.1. Konrad Zuse created the first freely programmable computer

11.2. Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper designed the Mark series of computers

11.2.1. Mark computers was created for the US Navy and Gunnery and Ballistic calculations

11.3. The first commercial computer was the Univac

11.3.1. Which stand for Universal Automatic Computer and was created by John Eckert and John Mauchly

11.4. IMB: International Business Machine

11.4.1. IBM develop the IBM701 EDPM computer

11.4.2. IBM also came out with the Floppy Disk

11.5. The Computer Mouse was invented by Douglas Engerlbart

11.5.1. to make a computer a more user friendly tool

11.5.2. The mouse came from the tail that was connected to the computer.

11.6. First Internet was called the Arpanet. It was developed to protect the flow of information between military installations.

11.7. Apple introduce the Apple Lisa it was the first personal computer with a GUI