Cell organelle

Cell organelle structurefunction

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Cell organelle por Mind Map: Cell organelle

1. A ribosome functions as a micro-machine for making proteins

2. Plasma Membrane

2.1. plasma membrane, or the cell membrane, provides protection for a cell.

3. Nucleoid Region

3.1. Genetic material (DNA) is localized to a region called the nucleoid which has no surrounding membrane.

4. Ribosomes

5. Flagellum

5.1. flagellum is that of locomotion, but it also often functions as a sensory organelle,

6. Cell Wall

6.1. It Helps To Protect The Other Parts Of Cell

7. Capsule

7.1. the ability of bacteria to cause disease

8. Pilus

8.1. adhesion allowing bacteria to colonize environmental surfaces or cells and resist flushing