Cultural Fest

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Cultural Fest por Mind Map: Cultural Fest

1. Crowd management

1.1. Seating arrangement for 900 people

1.2. 1 volunteer per 10 rows

1.3. Setting different entry and exit points

1.4. Celebrity / guest accomodation

2. Venue/ Timeline

2.1. Address/map

2.2. Time/date

3. Stage Management

3.1. Scheduling/ running rehearsal

3.2. Stage crew

3.3. Stage props

3.4. Back props

3.5. Chairs/ water bottles for dignitaries

3.6. Anchors

4. Sound system

4.1. Mic arrangement

4.2. Arrangement of sounds

4.3. Projection of stage on Big LCD screen

4.4. Arranging DJ beside stage

5. Sponsors

5.1. Types

5.1.1. Financial

5.1.2. Media/ Promtional

5.2. Tires

5.2.1. Platinum

5.2.2. Gold

5.2.3. Silver

6. Budget Management

6.1. Total cost

6.2. Catering

6.3. Miscellaneous

6.4. Guest and their accomodation

7. Illumination Management

7.1. Lighting for audience

7.2. Stage Lighting

8. Hosting

8.1. List of performance

8.2. List of addressing people

9. Food

9.1. Types of cuisines like north and south types of food

9.2. Stalls for dessert, chat, bakery, etc.,