"The Hero's Journey" Story Mapping Template

A mind mapping template for writers seeking to plot out a story, using "The Hero's Journey" as a base.

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"The Hero's Journey" Story Mapping Template por Mind Map: "The Hero's Journey" Story Mapping Template

1. Stages of the Hero's Journey

1.1. 1. The Ordinary World

1.2. 2. The Call to Adventure

1.3. 3. Refusal of the Call

1.4. 4. Meeting with the Mentor

1.5. 5. Crossing the Threshold

1.6. 6. Tests, Allies, and Enemies

1.7. 7. The Approach

1.8. 8. The Ordeal

1.9. 9. The Reward

1.10. 10. The Road Back

1.11. 11. The Resurrection

1.12. 12. Return with the Elixir

2. Characters

2.1. By Archetypes

2.1.1. Heroes

2.1.2. Shadows

2.1.3. Mentors

2.1.4. Herald

2.1.5. Threshold Guardians

2.1.6. Shapeshifters

2.1.7. Tricksters

2.1.8. Allies

2.2. By Major/Minor Roles

2.2.1. Major Characters

2.2.2. Minor Characters

3. Setting

3.1. Time Period

3.2. Locations