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Chapter 6 por Mind Map: Chapter 6

1. Berlin wall, 1961

1.1. Brain drain in east Berlin, people left to west

1.2. Western allies unaffected; no invasions, good propaganda, could send troops

2. Poland

2.1. Solidarity, a trade union

2.2. People from all walks of life joined

3. Mikhail Gorbachev

3.1. Gorbachev was a reformer

3.2. Fall of the Soviet Union

3.3. Return of solidarity

3.4. Glasnost and Perestroika

4. Hungary

4.1. Uprisings

4.2. Rebellion of 1956

5. Czechoslovakia

5.1. Prague Spring

5.2. Reform

5.3. Brezhnev Doctrine

6. Collapse of the Soviet Union

6.1. Reforms of Gorbachev

6.2. The war in Afghanistan

6.3. The role of the USA: Ronald Reagan