Jews and the Environment -- click on each new idea to present an example of Jewish envirnomentalism

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Jews and the Environment -- click on each new idea to present an example of Jewish envirnomentalism por Mind Map: Jews and the Environment -- click on each new idea to present an example of Jewish envirnomentalism

1. After working with Jewish Farm School, we spent 3 years to finally create our own Synagogue intergenerational community garden. It allows us to provide volunteer opportunities for our B'nei Mitzvah students, to use fresh produce for our shelter meals, and to donate fresh produce to a local pantry. Mostly, it allowed me to make connections to Judaism and the earth. Most exciting thing I've ever done! sara

2. We joined GreenFaith and became certified as a green faith based community, saving money and the environment (we had many responsibilities to become certified) Sara

3. No more disposable water bottles. Sara

4. Solar Farms

5. New node

6. New node

7. New node

8. Jewish Farm School

8.1. An opportunity for Jewish homeschoolers to experience sustainability and environmental awareness

9. Eden Village Camp

9.1. Kids gather to turn their camp experience into an encounter with ecology and sustainability

10. communal gardens - Smadar

11. New idea

12. Recycled playground in Haifa