Validity + Reliability

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Validity + Reliability por Mind Map: Validity + Reliability

1. Evidence

2. Content Validity- Information Correspond with theory

3. Test Valid for intendent purpose

4. Criterion Related Validity is established by correlating test scores within external standards to obtain a new numerical estimate validity evidence

4.1. External Standards to Obtain Numerical estimate of validity

5. Test Measures and matches Objectives

6. information Correspond with theory

6.1. New node

7. performance

8. Reba Douglas EDU 645 Assignment 5

9. Concurrent Validity measures the test against benchmarks resulting in a high correlation within the test that shows strong validity

10. Predictive Validity How the test predicts its abilities, and involves a group of subjects for a certian result in a certain time period

11. useing two test to make imavn test

12. Alternative Reliability

13. Reliability - The stability of a test score over repeated administration , yielding stable scores assuming the trait being measure has not changed

14. Test -Retest Reliably

15. Internal Consistency asses the Consistency of results of the test. Estimates of reliability falls into general categories these estimates should be use only when the test measures a single or unitary trait

16. Concurrent Construct Validity