Triarchic Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

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Triarchic Theory of Mulitple Intelligences por Mind Map: Triarchic Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

1. Teaching Strategies

1.1. Venn Diagram

1.2. Debate

1.3. Logic Puzzle

1.4. In a 6th grade science unit on bodies of water, I will have my students compare and contrast the features of lakes with ponds using a Venn diagram.

2. Teaching strategies

2.1. role play

2.2. use real life examples

2.3. application activity

2.4. In a 6th grade science unit on bodies of water, I will take my students on a field trip to a nearby pond to see the plant and animal life.

3. example

4. example

5. the ability to break things down, solve problems, examine evidence

6. the ability to USE knowledge, to function in social settings

7. Practical

8. Analytical

8.1. example

8.2. example

9. example

10. the ability to put things together in new and original ways

11. Teaching Strategies

11.1. product options

11.2. use of humor

11.3. have students invent

11.4. In a 6th grade science unit on bodies of water, my students will create a comic strip to illustrate their understanding of lakes and ponds.

12. Creative

12.1. example