Educational Technology

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Educational Technology por Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. Shift Happens: Educational (Technology) Reform

1.1. There are students in China, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh and USA who remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create, communicate, and collaborate on projects everyday

1.2. "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them," -Albert Einstein

1.3. Every 8 seconds approximately 34 babies will be born

1.4. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today's learners will have 10 to 14 jobs by their 38th birthday.

1.5. Technology is shifting so fast that it makes it difficult to make predictions about the future.

2. Three Phases of Educational Technology

2.1. Phase 1- Teachers us technology to teach dynamic lessons.

2.2. Phase 2- Students use technology to access content knowledge.

2.3. Phase 3- Content/ 21st Century Learning = Communication, Collaboration, and Creation

2.4. "Any teacher that can be replaced by technology deserves to be." -David Thornburg

3. 21st Century Learners

3.1. Trying to become more active in connecting the home life with the learning life so that students can learn and become more successful.

3.2. Knowing when how to implement technology. Using it when it is necessary and keeping it away when not needed. Finding that balance.

3.3. Coordinate formal and informal learning to engage the students.

3.4. Students want to be measured!

4. A Vision of K-12 Students Today

4.1. Students are wanting to learn by using new the technology the currently are growing up with.

4.2. By 2016, the largest English speaking country will be China.

4.3. There are more honor students in China than there are people in North America.

4.4. Students ultimately want ENGAGEMENT in the classroom.

5. Instructional Technology: Looking Backward, Thinking Forward

5.1. There is always something new, change is a constant.

5.2. 1923- Visual Instruction Movement

5.3. Technology is always changing and will continue to change and it is crazy to see how different children grow up versus how things were in the 1900's.

5.4. 1933- An NEA survey reports that 52% of schools are using silent films and 3% are using sound films.