Educational Technology

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Educational Technology por Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. Instructional Media

1.1. Broadcast

1.1.1. Radio & Television

1.2. Mass Media

1.2.1. Newspapers

1.3. Audio

1.3.1. Recordings

1.4. Visual

1.4.1. Picture boards

1.5. Audio Visual

1.5.1. Video presentation

1.6. Print

1.6.1. Books

1.7. Non-print

1.7.1. Models

2. Contribution to education

2.1. Sophistication of learning

2.1.1. Active students

2.1.2. Diverse teaching strategies

2.2. Learning experience

2.2.1. Better engagement

2.2.2. Close achievement gaps between students

2.3. Student output

2.3.1. Heightened creativity

2.3.2. Design thinking is improved

2.4. Collaboration among teachers

2.4.1. Create environment for sharing strategies

3. Roles and Functions

3.1. Student interest

3.1.1. Thought continuity

3.2. Concretize ideas

3.2.1. Eliminaton of verbalism

3.3. Rich experiences

3.3.1. Interactive learning

3.3.2. Efficient yet quality learning

3.4. Learner preparedness

3.4.1. Independent learning

4. Definitions

4.1. Systematic way or a process

4.2. Designs or environments

4.3. Educational methods