Anti-HTN Medications

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Anti-HTN Medications por Mind Map: Anti-HTN Medications

1. Osmotic Diuretics

1.1. Mechanism of Action

1.1.1. osmotic diuretic is filtered into lumen of nephron increasing tubular fluid osmolality impairing water reabsorption overall increasing water excretion

1.2. Site of Action

1.2.1. function at water permeable sections of the nephron

1.3. Indications

1.3.1. rapid reduction/treatment of increased intracranial pressure

1.3.2. increase water excretion in preference to sodium excretions

1.4. Side Effects

1.4.1. Dehydration

1.4.2. Hypernatremia

1.5. Products

1.5.1. Mannitol

2. Potassium Sparing Diuretics


4. ARB

5. BB

6. Alpha-1 Antagonists

7. Thiazide Diuretics

7.1. Mechanism of Action

7.1.1. Inhibits the Na-Cl symporter in the DT

7.1.2. Increase Calcium reabsorption in the early DCT

7.2. Side Effects

7.2.1. Hypokalemia

7.2.2. Hyponatremia

7.2.3. Hypercalcemia

7.2.4. Hyperuricemia

7.2.5. hyperglycemia

7.2.6. photosensitivity, rash

7.3. Contraindications

7.3.1. Sulfa Allergy

7.3.2. Anuria

7.3.3. CrCl <30 mL/min

7.4. Indications

7.4.1. 1st Line HTN especially effective in AA

7.4.2. Everything else Edema to decrease formation of kidney stones caused by high calcium levels in the urine

7.5. Advantages

8. Loop Diuretics

8.1. Mechanism of Action

8.1.1. Inhibit the Na-K-2Cl symporter

8.2. Site of Action

8.2.1. Thick Ascending Limb of the Loop of Henle

8.3. Indications

8.3.1. 1st Choice Edema of HF, renal failure liver failure and other disease

8.3.2. Everything else Hypertension if needed to decreased blood volume quickly Acute hypercalcemia

8.4. Side Effects

8.4.1. Dehydration

8.4.2. Hypokalemia

8.4.3. hypocalcemia

8.4.4. hyponatremia

8.4.5. hyperglycemia

8.4.6. Hyperuricemia

8.4.7. ototoxicity

8.4.8. photosensitivity, rash EXCEPT for ethacrynic acid

8.5. Products

8.5.1. Furosemide (Lasix)

8.5.2. Torsemide (Demadex)

8.5.3. bumetanide (Bumex)

8.5.4. ethacrynic acid

8.6. Box Warning

8.6.1. Profound Diuresis EXCEPT FOR TORSEMIDE

9. RI

10. CCB

11. Alpha-2 Agonists