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Feudalism por Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Responsibility

1.1. Nobles agreed to give the king their loyalty and military services.

1.2. One of the wealthiest landowners

2. Environment

2.1. Lord's Manor

3. Rights

3.1. Granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king.

4. Serfs

4.1. Most peasents were serfs; people who could not lawfully leave the place they were born.

5. Nobles

6. Peasants

6.1. Environment

6.1.1. Lord's Manor Farms

6.2. Responsibility

6.2.1. Maintained lord's estate Had to pay their tithe

7. King

8. Rights

8.1. To live on the lord's land

8.2. To be mounted horsrman

9. Responsibility

9.1. To defend their lord's land

10. Knights

10.1. Environment

10.1.1. Lord's Manor

11. Clergy

11.1. Environment

11.1.1. Lord's Manor

11.2. Responsibility

11.2.1. One of the wealthiest landowners

11.2.2. To preach/pray

11.3. Rights

11.3.1. To live on the Lord's Manor

11.3.2. To preach to the people