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Career por Mind Map: Career

1. Working life

1.1. apply for a job

1.2. be made redundant

1.3. be sacked

1.4. look for a job

1.5. sign a contract

1.6. be dismissed

1.7. be offered a job

1.8. be fired

1.9. get promotion

2. Jobs

2.1. caretaker

2.2. firefighter

2.3. passenger

2.4. software engineer

2.5. volunteer

2.6. PAs

2.7. police officer

2.8. construction worker

3. Workplace (I work in)

3.1. television

3.2. publishing

3.3. PR (public relations)

3.4. sales

3.5. IT

3.6. law firm

3.7. accountancy practice

3.8. office

3.9. shop

3.10. restaurant

3.11. bank

3.12. factory

3.13. call centre

4. Work conditions and responsibilities

4.1. be on flexitime

4.2. be responsible for

4.3. deal with

4.4. from nine to five

4.5. do shift work

4.6. indoors / outdoors

4.7. good / bad conditions

4.8. full-time

4.9. long hours

4.10. overtime

4.11. paperwork

4.12. self-employed

4.13. well-paid

4.14. stressful

4.15. skilled

5. Work

5.1. fill in

5.2. get ahead

5.3. keep at

5.4. keep up with

5.5. set up

5.6. take over

5.7. turn down

5.8. work on