Business Model of NIKE

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Business Model of NIKE por Mind Map: Business Model of NIKE

1. Customer Segments

1.1. Worldwide Mass Market (anyone who wants to buy athletic and sports apparel, footwear and equipment)

2. Value Propositions

2.1. Anyone can be an athlete (quality, innovation and statue)

3. Channels

3.1. Brick-and-Mortar Stores (partners and branded ones

3.2. E-commerce

4. Customer Relationships

4.1. Self-servie

4.2. Nike ID

5. Revenue Streams

5.1. Product Sales

6. Key Resources

6.1. Brand

6.2. Intelectual Property

7. Key Activities

7.1. Product Design and Development

7.2. Marketing

8. Key Partners

8.1. Manufacturing Partners

8.2. Sports and Scientific Research Institutions

9. Cost Structure

9.1. Inventory and Warehousing

9.2. Marketing

9.3. Administrative