Copy of The technology of GM Foods

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Copy of The technology of GM Foods por Mind Map: Copy of The technology of GM Foods

1. Definition

1.1. Foods derived from genetically modified organisms.

2. Disadvantages

2.1. 1.It may lead damage to the insects

2.2. 2.It may impact the growth of the plants nearby

2.3. 3.It has so many potential problems that human beings don't find out

2.4. 4.May cause allergies

3. Advantages

3.1. 1.Solve the problem of the lack of food

3.2. 2.Reduce the use of pesticide and protect the environment

3.3. 3.Improve the quality of food

3.4. 4.Improve nutritional value of food

3.5. 5.Delay softening or ripening

4. Present Situation

4.1. Examples

4.1.1. Viral resisitant papayas

4.1.2. Herbicide resistant soya beans and maize

4.1.3. Tomatoes with longer shelf life

4.1.4. Canola with higher levels of 'good' lipids