Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology (RAAT)

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Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology (RAAT) por Mind Map: Referral  and Assessment for Assistive Technology (RAAT)

1. Step One Referral for Assistive Technology Assessment-

1.1. This is the step were the school receives a referral for the student.

1.2. This can be done by a family member , referring agency, physician, or teacher

1.3. Once the team has all the assessment data and hears the cocern of the family, the decsion to assess may be made

2. Step Four Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device

2.1. In this Step the AT device has been purchase and put into place. Student may need short term assistance and monitoring to ensure that the device is used correctly and appropriately.

3. Step Two -Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment

3.1. This the step where AT specialist is to conduct the assessment with the student This assessment can consist of these different things:

3.1.1. . Direct observation During this the specialist spends time focused on observing the students behavior and skills

3.1.2. Interviews When doing interviews it allows the specialist to gather information about specific areas of interest and give parents, teachers and the student opportunities to express their experiences, interests and concerns.

3.1.3. . Formal assessment selected activities in predetermined environments. The AT specialist may have to use tool of instruments that may not be designed specifically for assessing AT but that allows inferences to be made about how the student's skills are interrelated with the need for AT.

3.1.4. Putting it all Together is the Part in the assessment were the specialist puts all the information learned about the student and presented to the Student's IEP team.

4. STEP Three The Individualized Education Program Team

4.1. This is the step where the IEP team discusses the training needs for the student and those who are working with the student . Also in this step the IEP team may consider device trials before making a full investment in the AT device.