Evaluating Tests*

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Evaluating Tests* por Mind Map: Evaluating Tests*

1. Puncuation

2. Validity

3. Three Basic Methods of Score Estimation

4. Alternative Form

5. Internal Consistency

6. Content Validity Evidence

7. Questions must correspond to answers

8. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

9. Test scores are related to an external criterion: Two Types

10. Concurrent Criterion

11. Measurements of a new test will be comparable with the older test

12. Predictive Criterion

13. Test predicts behaviour in the future of those taking the test

14. Two tests written like each other

15. Given to same student

16. Given under same conditions

17. Disadavantage of difficulty of writing of tests

18. Test must be consistent with subject tested throughout entire test

19. Test may be split in two or more parts

20. Examples of English test

21. Grammer

22. Kuder-Richardson Method

23. Split-half Method

24. Two ways of estimating Internal Consistency

25. One form of test item measured to what it has in common with an item in another form

26. Reliability

27. Consistency of a student taking the test more than once

28. Test-Retest

29. Construct Validity Evidence

30. Tests on subject such as English improves with increase instruction, tutoring, or studying of the example of English and not another subject.

31. 1st set of test scores will be comparable with 2nd set of test scores (not much change in variables)

32. Tests must measure exactly what it says it will measure such as English must measure English and not Social Studies