3440:001 Spring 2022: Parts of Society

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3440:001 Spring 2022: Parts of Society por Mind Map: 3440:001 Spring 2022: Parts of Society


1.1. Balance of Power

1.2. The general make-up of everyone's differences, a lump sum of everyone's ability

1.3. The way the people interact with each other

1.4. The way the people interact with their environment.

1.5. Using your sociological imaginations to examine issues.

1.5.1. QUESTION EVERYTHING Question with boldness

1.6. Collection of social understandings that align with some group.

1.7. Being culturally aware, plays in with society because we have different ethnic group and cultures, creating a tossed salad (i.e., keeping culture)

1.7.1. Adoptee

1.7.2. Mixed Cultures and/or mixed race


2.1. A

2.1.1. Assimilation