Emily's Personal Interest Blog 11

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Emily's Personal Interest Blog 11 por Mind Map: Emily's Personal Interest Blog 11

1. Book Recommendations

1.1. 'The House of the Scorpion' by Nancy Farmer

2. Candy- Places and Prices

2.1. Dylan's Candy Bar

2.2. Amazon- Their Candy Section

2.3. Hammond's Candy Factory

2.4. Wikipedia- all about candy

2.5. Chocomize- a create your own candy site

2.6. Candy Wrappers

3. Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strips

4. Edible School Supplies

4.1. Esther O Design

5. Furniture Blog

5.1. Pottery Barn Kids- http://potterybarnkids.com

5.1.1. Chocolate Mini Dot Anywhere Bean Bag- $119

5.1.2. Cottage Loft Bed- $1,165

5.2. Pottery Barn- http://potterybarn.com

5.2.1. Studio Wall Shelf- $349

5.2.2. Graham Smart Technology Secretary Desk- $899

5.3. Pottery Barn Teen- http://pbteen.com

5.3.1. Stack Me Up Display Super Set- $1,309

5.3.2. Furlicious Desk Chair- $ 299