WordPress Hosting Options

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WordPress Hosting Options por Mind Map: WordPress Hosting Options

1. 1. WordPress.com

1.1. Advantages

1.1.1. Free

1.1.2. Easy to get started

1.2. Disadvantages

1.2.1. Built-in themes only

1.2.2. No plug-ins allowed

1.3. Cost

1.3.1. Free

1.4. Who's it for

1.4.1. Hobby bloggers

1.5. Providers

1.5.1. WordPress.com http://bit.ly/9pBddk

2. 2. Shared Hosting

2.1. Advantages

2.1.1. Inexpensive

2.1.2. Easy one click installs of WordPress

2.1.3. Ability to install themes and plugins

2.2. Disadvantages

2.2.1. Sluggish site performance

2.3. Cost

2.3.1. $ to $$ per month

2.4. Who's it for

2.5. Providers

2.5.1. Bluehost

2.5.2. Dreamhost

3. 3. Managed Hosting

3.1. Advantages

3.1.1. Updates installed by provider

3.1.2. Performance optimized by provider

3.1.3. Secure and highly scalable

3.2. Disadvantages

3.2.1. More costly than shared hosting

3.3. Cost

3.3.1. $$ to $$$ per month

3.4. Who's it for

3.4.1. Professional websites looking for secure and scalable hosting managed by professionals

3.5. Providers

3.5.1. ZippyKid http://bit.ly/RjA11C

3.5.2. WP Engine

4. 4. Cloud Hosting

4.1. Advantages

4.2. Disadvantages

4.3. Cost

4.3.1. $$$ to $$$$ per month

4.4. Who's it for

4.4.1. High traffic enterprise websites with strong internal technical resources

4.5. Providers

4.5.1. Amazon AWS

4.5.2. Rackspace

5. About

5.1. Author: Robert Gowans

5.2. Download: