Economic Dev. Roundtable - Enhance Partnerships & Relationships

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Economic Dev. Roundtable - Enhance Partnerships & Relationships por Mind Map: Economic Dev. Roundtable - Enhance Partnerships & Relationships

1. Grow Economic Development Partners

1.1. Piedmont, Worksource, Avondale Estate, other Chambers,

1.2. Initiative - To Bring Together All Partners with One Goal

1.3. Today, we meet Quarterly, we know who the partners are

1.4. Is the Data here and do we need to tweak a little more

1.5. Look at the Industries, GPTC has a database of 500, merged 5000 business data Chamber has with GPTC and pull together and how to partner with these groups

2. Understand Partner Alignment

2.1. Initiative - if a project is coming, what can the CID do???

2.2. Create a committee to complete an assessment and define the alignment

2.2.1. Put people in a room together to get it done faster

2.2.2. Meet with the Mayors

3. Environmental Task Force

4. Think about what we will do and why its happening

5. Increase Event Collaboration with Partners

5.1. Focused Events on Retention, Retain i.e Real Estate Agency

5.2. What are we doing now

5.3. Increase Opportunity for the Membership Partnership Event - dissecting the event, ensuring industry, making decision makers, supplier departments

5.4. What do we actually mean: purpose to increase the opportunity to expand their businesses

5.5. Events related to Economic Development

5.6. Event put on Chamber or External Partner

5.7. Event with all Partners

6. Strengthen Decide DeKalb Relationship

6.1. What it look like today

6.1.1. meetings

6.2. What do we

6.2.1. Create Chamber Board Seat

6.2.2. Implement Advocacy Program