
Plan your artistic life as a musician using this map

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Musicians por Mind Map: Musicians

1. To Do Lists

1.1. Project and Working Management

1.1.1. Overview of Projects Past Current Upcoming

1.2. Optimize

1.2.1. Engagement specific checklist

1.2.2. Backup recording projects

2. Gear/Equipment

2.1. Serial Numbers

2.1.1. Warranty Limits

2.2. Insurance Information

3. Wishlist

3.1. Equipment

3.1.1. Hardware

3.1.2. Software

3.1.3. Instruments

3.2. Learning and Teaching Materials

4. Practice

4.1. Practice Plan

4.1.1. Scales

4.1.2. Arpeggios

4.1.3. Etudes

4.1.4. Pieces

4.2. Tracking

4.2.1. Recordings

4.2.2. Diary

5. Repertoire

5.1. Songs mastered

5.2. Songs to learn

5.3. Planned program

6. Teaching

6.1. Teaching Plan

6.1.1. Lessons for beginning students

6.1.2. Lessons for advanced students

6.2. Student progress tracking

6.2.1. Monthly goals

6.2.2. Quarterly goals

7. Items to know

7.1. Chords

7.1.1. Modes

7.1.2. Variants

7.2. Arrangement Techiques

7.2.1. Structures

7.2.2. Phrasing

7.3. Playing Techniques

7.3.1. Fingerings

7.3.2. Chord Sturctures

7.3.3. Phrasing Structures

7.4. Lyrics