Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

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Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology por Mind Map: Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

1. Step 4: Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device

1.1. After all the preliminary work and decision making based on the assessment, the time comes to purchase the device and implement it to meet the student’s learning outcomes.

1.2. The child puts the device into use

2. Step Three: The Individualized Education Program Team

2.1. The IEP team, which is multidisciplinary in nature, will make its decisions based on the report given by the AT specialist and in light of other information found in the student’s IEP.

2.2. Considers students learning goals and effectiveness of AT ability to help students across the curriculum

3. Use interviews to obtain information about specific areas of interest.

4. AT specialist spends time focused on observing the student’s abilities and skill. Family assessments are done to assess younger students

5. Plan

5.1. Goals

5.1.1. Goal 1

5.1.2. Goal 2

5.2. Rules

5.2.1. Session Rule 1

5.2.2. Session Rule 2

5.3. Define Problems

5.4. Capture Ideas

5.5. Prioritize Ideas

5.6. Define Action Points

6. Step 1: Referral for Assistive Technology Assessment

6.1. Specific procedures for referring a student for an AT assessment vary according to the official policies and procedures of the school district

6.2. A team meets to process referral

6.2.1. All prior and current assessment data should be considered in the referral. The more information provided in the referral, the better idea the team has about whether the assessment should take place.

7. Step Two: Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment

7.1. The student’s instructional program must be tailored specifically to that student’s abilities and needs. A multifaceted procedure addresses the unique needs and abilities of the student with a disability.

7.1.1. Assessments use information gained through student records and formal and informal observations

7.1.2. Conducted by AT specialists with aid of the referring team.

7.2. Information assembled and presented to IEP team