The Time Machine

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The Time Machine por Mind Map: The Time Machine

1. H.G. Wells

2. Eloi

2.1. beautiful, fragile

2.2. Comfortable and secure --> weak

2.2.1. Lived in ruins, no art

2.3. Mind of 5 year old

2.3.1. Dance, frolick, collect flowers

2.4. Afraid of dark

2.5. Weena

2.5.1. Time traveller's companion Saved from the river

2.5.2. Killed in forest fire

3. Morlocks

3.1. Lived underground

3.2. Well --> machines

3.3. Stole the time machine

3.4. Monstrous, ape-like creatures

3.5. Cannibalistic

3.6. Struggle --> strong

4. Time travel