Europe's Early middle ages

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Europe's Early middle ages por Mind Map: Europe's Early middle ages

1. The End of the Viking Age

1.1. The Viking age ended in the eleventh century

1.2. Gradually European monarchs grew stronger and learned how to deal with their northern enemies.

1.3. English monarchs gave half of England, to Danelaw, to Viking lords who then protected their new lands from other Vikings.

2. Every Day Life Among The Franks

2.1. The Franks had social classes some people were very rich and others incredibly poor

2.2. The majority of people at this time (60 percent) were serfs or peasants people who worked the land on their lords manor or estate

2.3. Storms and drought could cause great hardship for serfs because they were farmers

2.4. The lords and rulers could steal serfs crops at any time

3. Everyday Life Among The Vikings

4. The Viking Reputation

4.1. The vikings were mercilessly destructive.

4.2. The Vikings were so savagely cruel in their attacks that many people thought they had been sent by the gods to punish the world for its wickedness

4.3. Some monarchs and church leaders were so terrified of the Vikings they paid them to leave their land.

4.4. In England the Vikings took payments called Dangeld from rulers such as Ethelred the Unready

4.5. Over the course of a few years French monarchs paid the Vikings almost 300 kg of gold and 15,000 kg of silver.

4.6. All theses payments came form taxes collected from the common people.

4.7. Only a few rulers, such as Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, could fight the Vikings effectively, but even they weren't able to stop raids completely

5. Charlemagenes Renaissance

5.1. Improving education throughout the empire was a special concern of Charlemagne

5.2. He established new schools in monasteries and encouraged the learning of the Latin classics

5.3. insisted that his sons and daughters be educated.

5.4. Was energetic and a thoughtful ruler

5.5. He took a keen interest in reviving the practices of the architecture and had many stone churches and palaces built in France and Germany.

5.6. He was interested in science and literature and he loved talking with interesting people

5.7. Because Charlemagne succeeded in bring about a rebirth of learning and arts historians today often refer to his time as the Carolingian Renaissance.

5.8. He died at the age of 72 after ruling for 47 years.

6. The franks

7. The Anglo-Saxon and the Celts

7.1. When the Roman soldiers left Britain in the fifth century warriors from the area now known as Germany the Angle, Saxons, and Jutes moved in driving out the native Celtics

7.2. Soon large numbers of the Germanic invaders began to settle in Britain and pushed the Celts into Wakes, Cornwall, and Scotland, and across the sea to Ireland

7.3. Now in Britain the Celtic language and culture disappeared

7.4. Although they thought of themselves as warriors, the Anglo-Saxons like the Franks were farmer.

7.5. They lived in small villages , and men and women shared the hard work of agriculture between.

7.6. Had skilled metal workers.

7.7. Great storytellers who created wonderful epics such as Beowulf

7.8. Celtic people:(pronounced Keltic) , a western European culture. The scottish , Irish, Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons are all Celts

7.9. Beginning in the ninth century, Anglo-Saxon England, like the Carolingian France, suffered from devastating Viking raids.

7.10. Alfred the great, an early ruler of Anglo-Saxon England, lost many battles with the Viking before he learned how to beat then.

7.11. At his death, Alfred left western and southern England united and prosperous. England as a whole however would suffer from a deadly combination of weak kings and Viking invaders until the time of William the Conqueror.

8. The Vikings

8.1. On Easter Sunday in the year 855, a Viking force attacked and plundered Paris striking a blow at the very heart of Charlemagne's empire

8.2. Their war parties devastated whole regions in the low countries (modern Netherlands and Belgium), Ireland and England.

8.3. They roamed into the Mediterranean Sea , they attacked Spain and Italy, and they sailed down the great rivers of Russia all the way to Constantinople.

8.4. The Vikings came from the north looking for plunder and glory.

8.5. They travelled in swift longships that allowed them to strike without warning and disappear quickly before local rulers could raise a force to oppose them

8.6. Their raiding forces ranged from the crew of a single ship to a large fleets of a hundred ships or more.

9. Charlemagne

9.1. Came to power in western Europe in 768 C.E

9.2. Charlemagne governed his empire from his palace at Aachen in what is now Germany

9.3. Although he allowed local government much freedom he also sent out agents, called missi dominici( the lord's messengers) to make sure people were treated properly.

9.4. He created a single code of laws for the whole empire.

9.5. Unlike those who came before Charlemagne tried to make things better for the serfs and the tradespeople

9.6. Was hardhearted and merciless

10. Laws of the Franks

10.1. Laws were called the Salic Code after the Salian Franks who settled in France

10.2. The Salic Code placed a monetary value on every piece of property and every person

10.3. If property was stolen or a person injured or killed a fine called wergild had to be paid to the owners of the property or the victims family

10.4. In case of murder the family could refuse to accept the fine, and instead could demand the guilty persons death

10.5. If in relation of the victim took revenge by killing the murderer, the law did not hold him or her responsible

11. The Fall Of Rome

11.1. In 410 C.E Rome was conquered by the goths and the Germanic people

11.2. Some believe that all civilizations have a life span and that eventually grow old and die, almost like living things

12. The mediterranean World

12.1. The environment had had everything necessary to sustain large numbers of people

12.2. fertile soil, plenty of rainfall, sunshine and the climate was moderate.

12.3. formed a transportation system that encouraged people to travel widely and trade and learn from each other

12.4. The two most important early civilizations were those of Greece and Rome

12.5. The Greek made great advances in art, architecture, drama, literature,medicine, and science

13. The romans

13.1. Latin was the common language

13.2. Created a code of laws for all the people they ruled

13.3. Roman law protected all the people from war and violent outlaws on land and pirates at sea

14. After the Fall

14.1. the determination of individuals helped the roman culture to survive in isolated monasteries and distant lands

14.2. Ages later Greek and Roman art, architecture, drama, literature, sports, mythology, philosophy, laws and systems of government would all be reborn in various forms to inspire and enrich modern civilzation.

14.3. For centuries Rome had been in contact with Germanic people to the north and east. These people were knows to the Greeks and Romans as barbarians. people who spoke an unfamiliar language.

14.4. As the Western Roman Empire collapsed and the Roman Legions withdrew to Rome, Germanic people moved into Roman provinces such as Gaul(France), Britain, and Spain.

14.5. The glory of Rome became a memory, and, strangely, a dream for the future.

15. Why did Rome Fall?

15.1. Small businesses suffered when Romans began using slaves to supply goods and service

15.2. Romans spent more money than they should have on entertainment and expensive luxuries

15.3. Contagious diseases, brought to Rome by soldiers in the Roman Legions, killed thousands

15.4. Because the empire was so large and contained such a wide variety of terrain, the empire became impossible to defend.

15.5. New religion weakened to will of the Roman people to defend their empire, because many chose their new religion over Rome

15.6. The empire grew weak because of repeated attacks by the Germanic peoples.

15.7. After the Roman republic ended in 30 B.C.E, Rome was ruled by emperors rather than a government that respected individual freedom