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Poverty por Mind Map: Poverty

1. 1. definition of poverty

1.1. problems defining poverty

1.2. poverty in historical perspective

1.3. evolving views

2. 2. how do poor people live?

3. 3. types of poverty

3.1. absolute poverty

3.2. poverty lines

3.3. absolute and relative poverty

3.4. sufficientarianism

3.5. vulnerability

3.6. deep poverty

3.7. child poverty

4. 7. poverty and the economy

4.1. poverty and economic growth

4.2. poverty and globalization

4.3. trickle down economics

5. 9. poverty and education

6. 11. poverty and food

6.1. right to food

7. 12. poverty and homelessness

7.1. poverty and urbanization

7.2. poverty and slums

8. 15. poverty and discrimination

8.1. poverty and gender discrimination

8.2. feminization of poverty

8.3. poverty and hate crime

8.4. poverty and race

9. 16. poverty and freedom

9.1. is poverty a denial of our freedom?

9.2. poverty and democracy

10. 18. poverty and terrorism

10.1. terrorism caused by poverty?

11. 19.poverty and psychology

11.1. bee sting theory of poverty

11.2. brain dysfunctions caused by early adversity

11.3. just world fallacy

11.4. adaptive preferences

11.5. poverty of aspiration

11.6. poverty of willpower and of self-control

12. 20. measurement of poverty

12.1. some measurement problems

12.2. absolute and relative poverty lines

12.3. multidimensional poverty

12.4. measuring income inequality

12.5. measuring hunger

13. 4. causes of poverty

13.1. bee sting theory of poverty

13.2. membership theory of poverty

13.3. segregation

13.4. racism

13.5. slavery

13.6. behavior

13.6.1. undeserving poor

13.6.2. culture of poverty

13.6.3. incentives and welfare queens

13.6.4. adaptive preferences

13.6.5. family structure - early and/or single motherhood

13.6.6. poverty of aspiration

13.6.7. poverty of willpower and of self-control

13.7. brain dysfunctions caused by early adversity

13.8. IQ

13.9. stress

13.10. government policy

13.10.1. land reform

13.10.2. resource curse

13.10.3. lack of free trade

13.10.4. incarceration

13.10.5. brain drain?

13.10.6. taxation and transfers

13.10.7. immigration restrictions

13.10.8. economic benefits of immigration

13.10.9. welfare state?

13.11. overpopulation?

13.12. poverty traps

13.13. poor economic growth

13.14. feedback between absolute and relative poverty

13.15. structure of income inequality

13.16. lack of social mobility

13.17. just world fallacy

13.18. bad luck

13.19. institutions

13.20. geography

13.21. according to the left and to the right

14. 5. solutions

14.1. poverty and charity

14.2. free trade

14.2.1. trade liberalization

14.3. welfare state and taxation

14.3.1. unemployment benefits

14.3.2. minimum wage

14.3.3. welfare vs charity

14.3.4. welfare and future generations

14.3.5. economic cost of taxation

14.3.6. basic income

14.4. economic growth

14.5. open borders

14.6. development aid - remittances

14.7. giving the poor money

15. 6. poverty traps

15.1. being poor makes you poor

15.2. lack of social mobility

15.3. poverty and ill health

15.4. obesity

15.5. membership theory of poverty

15.6. hereditary poverty

15.7. Matthew effect

16. 8. poverty and human rights

16.1. is poverty a human rights violation?

16.2. economic human rights

16.2.1. poverty and the state

16.2.2. economic rights

17. 10. poverty and health

17.1. better healthcare is more poverty?

17.2. poverty and depression

17.3. poverty and obesity

17.4. right to healthcare

18. 13. poverty and freedom of movement

19. 14. poverty and privacy

20. 17. poverty and crime

20.1. poverty as a cause of crime

20.2. criminalization of poverty