Global Treaty on Plastic pollution

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Global Treaty on Plastic pollution por Mind Map: Global Treaty on Plastic pollution

1. Why in news

1.1. the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) voted to formulate an international legally-binding instrument by 2024 to end plastic pollution

1.1.1. The decision was taken at the fifth session of the UNEA in Nairobi, Kenya,

2. Resolution

2.1. The resolution identifies the threat that plastic pollution poses to human health and all environments,

2.1.1. and focuses on the need to undertake measures throughout the lifecycle of plastics in order to efficiently reduce their negative impact

2.2. Decisions taken

2.2.1. to end plastic pollution establishes an intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) which is expected to submit its draft agreement by 2024. The instrument is expected to be legally binding in nature Instrument would contain alternatives to the full life cycle of plastics, as well as the design of reusable and recyclable products and materials, and the need for improved international collaboration for scientific and technical cooperation among member states.

2.2.2. The resolution also recognises the role of the private sector and stakeholders in the implementation of the treaty and promotes actions at local, regional and global levels while keeping in mind the importance of plastics for society

3. What are the considerations behind the new treaty?

3.1. The treaty to end global plastics pollution will focus on elements like global objectives to tackle marine and other types of environmental pollution and their impact

3.1.1. and worldwide obligations and measures throughout the lifecycle of plastics, right from product design to waste management

3.2. will also include mechanisms for providing scientific information relevant to the policies of the resolution

3.2.1. on, and for helping with financial support for its implementation

3.3. also identifies the importance of indigenous communities and their age-old practices to keep the environments pollution-free and calls for the knowledge of these communities to be taken into account

3.4. The treaty will keep in mind national action plans and national and international cooperative measures towards achieving the goal of eliminating plastic pollution.

4. What is India’s stand on the treaty?

4.1. Welcomed the resolution