Theoretical Perspectives

Basic Perspective Overview

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Theoretical Perspectives por Mind Map: Theoretical Perspectives

1. Interactionist

1.1. You learn your language through the world around you. Major Theorist - Vygotsky, Bruner, Halliday - Focus on Nurture and Pragmatic Language Knowledge

2. Behaviorist

2.1. Child is a blank slate, learns through imitating others - Major Theorist - Skinner - Focus on Nurture and Semantic, Syntactic and Morphemic Language Knowledges

3. Nativist

3.1. Identifying grammatical aspects of your language and the rules, such as how to combine the correct words to make a correct sentence. Major Theorist - Chomsky. Focus on Nature and Syntactic Language Knowledge

4. Cognitive Development

4.1. This Prospective is basically as you mature and you develop cognitively language is then aquired. Major Theorist - Piaget. Focus on Nature and Semantic and Morphemic Language Knowledge