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Homeostasis por Mind Map: Homeostasis

1. 20.6: Muscle tissue functions in movement

1.1. Skeletal muscle - Attached to your bones by tendons and is responsible for voluntary movements of your body

1.2. Muscle tissue - The most abundant tissue in most animals.

1.3. Control of Body Temperature and Water Balance

1.4. Cardiac muscle forms the contractile tissue of your heart. It is striated like skeletal muscle

1.5. Smooth muscle - Found in the walls of your digestive tract, arteries, and other internal organs.

2. 20.1 - Structure fits function at all levels of organization in the animal body

2.1. Anatomy is the study of the form of an organism’s structures

2.2. Physiology is the study of the functions of those structures

2.3. A - Cellular Level

2.3.1. B - Tissue Level C - Organ Level D - Organ System Level

3. 20.5: Connective tissue binds and supports other tissues

3.1. connective tissue consists of a sparse population of cells scattered throughout an extracellular material called a matrix.

3.2. A - Loose Connective Tissue

3.2.1. B - Fibrous Connective Tissue C - Adipose Tissue D - Cartilage

4. 20.4: Epithelial tissue covers the body and lines its organs and cavities

4.1. Epithelial tissues, or epithelia are sheets of closely packed cells that cover your body surface and line your internal organs and cavities.

4.2. A - Simple Squamous Epithelium

4.2.1. B - Simple Cuboidal Epithelial C - SImple Columnar Epithelial D - Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelial

5. 20.3: Tissues are groups of cells with a common structure and function

5.1. In almost all animals, the cells of the body are organized into tissues, some tissues resemble woven cloth in that they consist of a meshwork of nonliving fibers and other extracellular substances surrounding living cells.

6. 20.2: An animal’s form reflects natural selection

6.1. Most aquatic animals have a similar body shape like sharks,seals, penguins and other finishes because of evolution.

7. 20.7: Nervous tissue forms a communication network

7.1. Reproduction and Embryonic Development

7.2. Nervous tissue senses stimuli and rapidly transmits information. Nervous tissue is found in your brain and spinal cord, as well as in the nerves that transmit signals throughout your body.

7.3. a neuron consists of a cell body and a number of slender extensions.

8. 20.8: Organs are made up of tissues

8.1. The lumen, or interior space, of the small intestine is lined by a columnar epithelium that secretes digestive juices and absorbs nutrients.

8.2. An organ represents a higher level of structure than the tissues composing it, and it performs functions that none of its component tissues can carry out alone. These functions emerge from the coordinated interactions of tissues.