"The Dark Ages" patch

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"The Dark Ages" patch por Mind Map: "The Dark Ages" patch

1. Religons

1.1. Pastafarian

1.1.1. Gets a pasta kit

1.2. Satanist

1.2.1. Gets a devil kit

1.3. Athiest

1.3.1. Gets nothing at all

1.4. Scientologist

1.4.1. Gets a science kit

1.5. Euthanasia

1.5.1. Gets a cash syringe weapon

1.6. Appliantology

1.6.1. Get a set of household appliances

2. The Fall of Ossyria

2.1. Based on fall of western roman empire

2.2. Victoria Island = Byzantine Empire

2.2.1. Fighting in Victoria will yield +25% exp. This includes Elin forest

2.3. Ossyria = Western Roman Empire

2.3.1. Fighting in Ossyria will yield -25% exp.