Final Exam Study Guide

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1. Voice Disorder

1.1. "Voice disorder is characterized by the abnormal production and/or absences of vocal quality, pitch, loudness, resonance, and/or duration, which is inappropriate for an individual's age and/or sex."

2. Fluency Disorder

2.1. "A collective term for cluttering and stuttering."

3. cochlear implant

3.1. "A cochlear (koe-klee-er) implant is a device that provides direct electrical stimulation to the auditory (hearing) nerve in the inner ear. Children and adults with a severe to profound hearing loss who cannot be helped with hearing aids may be helped with cochlear implants."

4. Otitis Media

4.1. "Inflammation of the middle ear characterized by the accumulation of infected fluid in the middle ear, bulging of the eardrum, pain in the ear and, if eardrum is perforated, drainage of purulent material (pus) into the ear canal."

5. Phonological Disorder

5.1. 'A communication disorder characterized by failure to use age- and dialect-appropriate sounds in speaking, with errors occurring in the selection, production, or articulation of sounds."

6. Speech Disorder

6.1. "Speech disorders or speech impediments are a type of communication disorders where 'normal' speech is disrupted."

7. Citations:

7.1. "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | ASHA." American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | ASHA. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <>.

7.2. "Medical Dictionary." Medical Dictionary. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. <>.

8. Dsyphgia

8.1. "Difficulty in swallowing or inability to swallow. Also called aglutition, aphagia, odynophagia."

9. Tinnitus

9.1. "Tinnitus is hearing ringing, buzzing, or other sounds without an external cause. Patients may experience tinnitus in one or both ears or in the head."

10. Presbycusis

10.1. "Hearing loss occurring as part of the aging process"

11. Apraxia of Speech

11.1. Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder. Children with CAS have problems saying sounds, syllables, and words. This is not because of muscle weakness or paralysis. The brain has problems planning to move the body parts (e.g., lips, jaw, tongue) needed for speech. The child knows what he or she wants to say, but his/her brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words.

12. Dysarthria

12.1. "Difficulty in articulating words due to emotional stress or to paralysis, incoordination, or spasticity of the muscles used in speaking."

13. Bone Conduction

13.1. "conduction of sound waves to the inner ear through the bones of the skull."